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Peter Hale/Rafael McCall/Sheriff Stilinski.Derek Hale/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore.Derek Hale/Jordan Parrish/Stiles Stilinski.Language: English Words: 4,170 Chapters: 5/? Comments: 10 Kudos: 16 Hits: 246 And along with the help of the two 17 year old girls who are playing Elton and Reid in the musical, they turn those feelings into something real this time. **Or, Elton makes Rocketman the musical happen, forcing Taron and Richard to reunite and re feel old feelings they felt a few years prior. “GOD CAN YOU GUYS JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY CHRIST.” Natalie yelled from the balcony of the rockstars house, Crissy hugging her from behind. “Well, I wish I knew you when I was young.” The scot looked at the Wales boy. “I feel like a little kid.” Richard finally breaks the silence. Taron and Richard sat side by side, their feet dangling into Elton’s pool. Elton and David being the absolute father figures that Natalie and Taron never had.OUR GIRLS ARE ONE OF THE CUTEST COUPLES TO EVER EXIST EVEN THOUGH THEY DONT ACTUALLY EXIST.Our boys are back at it again and I’m not even sure if people read madderton anymore.Original Female Character/Original Female Character.Ju1cebox Fandoms: Rocketman (2019), Rocketman (2019) RPF

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