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She added that one could reduce belly fat through exercise and healthy food choices. The fitness enthusiast explained how Yoga could help people burn calories and lose weight.

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Malaika and Sarva Yoga posted the video on their page and titled it - 'asanas to reduce belly fat'. Though spot reduction is called a myth by fitness experts, Malaika suggested that adding these Yoga asanas to the daily exercise routine will help anyone 'combat the accumulation of weight around the waistline'. Recently, Malaika and Sarva Yoga shared a video featuring three Yoga asanas focusing on reducing one body part that troubles many - belly fat. The star even shares several Yoga posts on her social media to motivate fans to roll out their yoga mat. Practising Yoga regularly can be one step forward in that direction. But making your routine dynamic is also necessary to attain the fitness goal we want to achieve.

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